Tuesday 8 May 2007

Time Machines, Blisters and Friends Gallore

The last of the remaining MySpace blogs. I hope that part of them make sense - I think I had quite alot to say, its just getting them written down which is the hard part.

It seems to me that everyone wants to be friendly, but perhaps they don't have the opportunity. On a recent trip to Jersey (more coming up about that) I noticed that such a decrease in the speed of life for residents may provide people with that slight increase in time for an opportunity to be friendly. In the frequent occasion I was smiled at, said 'Morning', nodded at, asked how I was and the many many 'Hello's'. What shocked me the most was the nod!

For those that aren't accustomed with the nod I shall explain. Should you be walking with parents, or another individual be walking with parents, just a slight nod of the head indicates an "Alright mate?", "How you doing?" or "I think you are ok" response. Now ... the reason I brought this up is because I saw a pikey on a bike in Jersey, after staring at him for a while, I got the nod. Yes, read it again if you didn't believe it ... a pikey nodded at me. At the time I was in shock and before I had the thought process to nod back he had gone, cycled of into the streets of Jersey.

So if you want to feel like you know everyone or simply you want a kick of self esteem ... go to jersey. (Whilst you are there go to a cafe on Roseville street, it's a beaut).

Time machines ... it was at the above cafe that I and my father where discussing the random parts of life that we didn't really understand. We were questioning where Jersey would be in 50 years time. Who knows? It may flourish, it may not. I'm thinking the latter.... but we can't say. We were then talking about technology. Because it advances so fast, who's to say that Jersey can't advance? Microsoft wasn't here 20 years ago. Google wasn't here 10 years ago. But already they have dominated there areas. It seems to me like not much more can be invented. As Carl Pilkington put it we'd just be "Messing around". This is where I declared the time machine is never going to happen. My dad immediately argued against this, sure he claimed that it was improbable... but didn't they say that the television wasn't possible ... a moving picture? Or perhaps when they adamantly said that the world was flat. Who knows what's what these days. BUT... should the time machine have been invented we would know about it. Ill walk you through this.

1. We are the first generation. Call the present day A.
2. We live our lives through to the year 2050 where say a "Time Machine" was created. Call this time B.
3. If it had been created, would the scientists not want to try it out? Therefore would travel back in time to time period A.
4. At this point the world at time A would know about it. Therefore we would know about a time machine.

I know it is confusing, my dad struggled ... but I think it makes sense. It does in my head ... that's all that counts. I also believe that should one be invented then it would only be possible to travel backwards. NEVER forwards. Forwards hasn't happened yet ... how can you accelerate time? Only backwards could happen because it already has. Well ... that's how I see it.

Moving on to blisters. On Monday I spent 9 hours walking around Jersey, in uncomfortable shoes, delivering Think Taxi leaflets (just as a shameless plug - if you need a Taxi in the future ... try 01883 712123 ... I think that's the number. You know it makes sense) It seems to me that those 9 hours were not appreciated by my feet. And so I have blisters a plenty. Naturally in the hotel room I took a picture of them, if you are lucky enough you will see them some day.

For now, Ta Raaa
Love lets life breathe,
Make a bed of grass,
and a pillow of flowers
And all is left, is the blanket of leaves


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